TITLE: 対峙し、共鳴するもの‐動
SIZE: H1450mm W700mm
YEAR: 2015
雲肌麻紙, 岩絵具, 染料
TITLE:Confrontation and Resonance – Motion
SIZE: 57 x 27.6 in
YEAR: 2015
Kumohadamashi Japanese Paper, Mineral Pigments, colorant
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TITLE: 対峙し、共鳴するもの‐動
SIZE: H1450mm W700mm
YEAR: 2015
雲肌麻紙, 岩絵具, 染料
TITLE:Confrontation and Resonance – Motion
SIZE: 57 x 27.6 in
YEAR: 2015
Kumohadamashi Japanese Paper, Mineral Pigments, colorant